伝検ニュース伝統工芸の底力、能登復興へ 「KOUGEI EXPO」石川県で開催

日本最大級の工芸イベント「KOUGEI EXPO IN ISHIKAWA」(伝統的工芸品月間国民会議全国大会)が11月8日から3日間の日程で、金沢市で開かれた。伝統的工芸品の普及が目的だが、今年のメインテーマは「工芸の底力・復興の翼~石川から未来につなぐ、日本の美技~」。2024年元日の能登半島地震と、同半島を襲った9月の記録的な豪雨災害からの復興を強く意識しており、馳浩石川県知事は7日に行われた式典のあいさつで、「(イベントを通じて)輪島塗などの能登の産地を応援していきたい」と力を込めた。
KOUGEI EXPOは、経済産業省が毎年11月を伝統的工芸品月間と定め、1984年から全国各地で開催。毎年5万~10万人の来場者があるといい、今年は約10万5000人が訪れた。
今年は金沢市内の石川県政記念しいのき迎賓館、金沢21世紀美術館などをメイン会場として、全国各地の伝統的工芸品の展示・販売会「CRAFT MARKET(クラフトマーケット)」、同工芸品の制作実演や制作体験を通じて、職人の技を体感することができるワークショップ「TEWAZA LIVE(テワザライブ)」などが行われた。
TEWAZA LIVEでは、九谷焼、加賀友禅、輪島塗などの職人が制作を実演。作り手の思いや手仕事の素晴らしさを伝えた。石川県立歴史博物館で行われた制作体験イベントで講師役を務めた同市内の竹細工工房の女性職人は「県内のさまざまな工芸品の工房からこれだけ多くの職人が集まるイベントは極めて珍しい。一人でも多くの人に体験してほしい」と語った。
CRAFT MARKETでも、青森県の津軽塗や長崎県の波佐見焼など、全国の工芸品が並び、多くの人でにぎわった。また、KOUGEI EXPOに合わせ、石川県は「クラフード2024」と題して、「工芸と食」に関する多くのイベントを開催。県立美術館では11月9日から12月8日まで特別展「食を彩る工芸」を開き、美術館の所蔵品に加え、料亭や旅館が所蔵する器などの工芸品が展示された。
【English version】
KOUGEI EXPO to be Held in Ishikawa Prefecture, Aiming at Reviving Noto through the Fundamental Power of Traditional Crafts

Kaga Zogan (inlaying) craft experience
KOUGEI EXPO IN ISHIKAWA, one of the largest craft events in Japan (National Conference of Traditional Crafts Month), was held in Kanazawa City for three days from November 8. The main theme of this year's event was “Wings of Recovery from the Noto Peninsula Earthquake on New Year's Day, 2024, and the record-breaking rainstorms that hit the peninsula in September,” and Ishikawa Governor Hiroshi Hase said in his speech at the ceremony held on November 7, “We are very much aware of the importance of the recovery from these disasters. (In his speech at the ceremony held on September 7, Ishikawa Governor Hiroshi Hase stressed, “We would like to support Noto's production areas, such as Wajima-nuri (lacquerware), through this event.
◇Experience the skills of craftspeople at the KOUGEI EXPO Workshop
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) has designated November as “Traditional Crafts Month,” and the KOUGEI EXPO has been held in various locations throughout Japan since 1984. The event attracts 50,000 to 100,000 visitors every year, and this year approximately 105,000 people visited.
This year, the main venues were the Ishikawa Prefectural Government Memorial Shi-inoki-Geihinkan and 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa in Kanazawa City, where the “Craft Market,” an exhibition and sales event of traditional crafts from all over Japan, and the “TEWAZA LIVE” workshop, where visitors can experience the skills of craftspeople through demonstrations and hands-on production of traditional crafts, were held. TEWAZA LIVE” workshops were also held.
◇Crafts from all over Japan for sale
At TEWAZA LIVE, artisans of Kutani ware, Kaga Yuzen, Wajima lacquerware, and other crafts demonstrated their creations. They conveyed the thoughts of the makers and the beauty of their handiwork. A female craftswoman from a bamboo craft workshop in the city who served as an instructor at the hands-on production event held at the Ishikawa Prefectural Museum of History said, “It is extremely rare to have so many craftspeople from various craft workshops in the prefecture gather here. I hope as many people as possible will experience it.
A woman in her 70s from Kanazawa City, who created accessories by embedding tin into grooves carved into metal plates in the shape of small animals such as turtles and rabbits as part of the Kaga Zogan experience, said with a smile, “I enjoy making small items and was really looking forward to this event.
The Craft Market was also crowded with visitors, featuring crafts from all over Japan, such as Tsugaru-nuri from Aomori Prefecture and Hasami-yaki from Nagasaki Prefecture. In conjunction with the KOUGEI EXPO, Ishikawa Prefecture also held a number of events related to “crafts and food” under the title of “CRAFT 2024. The prefectural museum of art held a special exhibition, “Crafts that Color Food,” from November 9 to December 8. In addition to items from the museum's collection, ryotei (traditional Japanese restaurants) and ryokan (traditional Japanese inns) displayed their own vessels and other crafts.
カテゴリー: 伝検ニュース
関連タグ: #KOUGEI EXPO #加賀象嵌