コラム/エッセイ宙ちゃんの「伝統文化一直線」 第16回 火事が育んだ江戸の粋

【English version】
Chu-chan's ‘Traditional Culture in a Straight Line’ No. 16 Edo's chic fostered by fire
Kondo Chuji = Director of the Japan Traditional Culture Certification Association

Edo period inro with various designs. Originally used as portable medicine cabinets, they became increasingly popular as ornaments among samurai and wealthy merchants. (Both from the collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art).
British author Gavin Lyall's 1963 hard-boiled classic The Most Dangerous Game (Japanese translation in Hayakawa Mystery Library) is set in northern Finland during the Cold War, in the border region with the Soviet Union (now Russia). The main character Bill Keari, who pilots an amphibious aircraft, is a professional courier for a reason. The story unfolds in his first-person narrative with this passage. ‘Belongings can tell you a lot, as long as you know where to look.’
Looking at the belongings in the client's toiletry case, such as a ubiquitous safety razor and an ivory-handled shaving brush with two thick silver bands, which are top-of-the-range but do not express personal taste, the protagonist says: ‘[The client] is rich, but he is influenced by a woman who makes him self-conscious, whether he wants it or not. He has no experience, nor is he conscious enough of his single status to initial all of his possessions’.
When I read this, I wondered if Bill Carey could look at the belongings of an Edo merchant and accurately identify the owner.
In the Edo period, the first things an Edo merchant would wear when leaving his house would be an inro, a kiseru and a cigarette case. Merchants would add a yatate, a fountain pen of the time, to these items. For women, a hairpin or comb was indispensable to adorn their hair.
It is known that many of the inro (medicine cases) had luxurious and elaborate designs with makie and raden (mother-of-pearl inlay), and the same applies to cigarette cases. Even the button-like front metalwork used to open and close the lid is lavishly decorated with silver and gold, and there is a wide variety, from standard auspicious designs such as dragons and tigers to fairy tale motifs such as ‘sparrow inns’, which are still widely collected.
However, looking at these, Bill Keary may not even be able to tell whether the owner was as rich as the owner of an Ooden (large shop), or whether he was a carpenter's wingman or a carpenter for hire. This is because Edo townspeople competed and boasted about their taste in such possessions and used them as a source of conversation. Even the tenement bears and yatsuyas in rakugo stories seem to have had quite elaborate possessions, and it may have been the status of Edo children to spend all their income, except for food, on such possessions.
Conversely, it seems that not a few of the owners of big shops used surprisingly ordinary and frugal items in their daily lives, perhaps fearing that they would be told to ‘draw down the tab if you have that much money’. Furthermore, if the owner was a merchant rather than a samurai, these items would not have his name on them and would rarely have a family crest in place of his name, so it would be impossible to tell whether the owner was single or not.
In modern Tokyo, many people know that in the area between Ueno and Okachimachi on the JR Yamanote Line, there are many jewellery and precious metal shops, and that you can see signs for wholesale stores, which are rarely seen in other towns. The number of jewellery shops, a whopping 2,000. It is said that 80% of the total number of shops in the whole country are concentrated in Ueno and Okachimachi. Moreover, many of them have their roots in the Edo period.
The area is close to Asakusa, where there were many shrines and temples that required gold and silver work, and as the name Okachimachi suggests, many samurai warriors lived in the area who required sword ornaments such as menuki, kougai and kogara (small hairpins). In addition, the town was on the way to playgrounds such as Yoshiwara and Sarugakucho from Kanda and Nihonbashi, so the demand from townspeople all over Edo added up to make it the best jewellery town in the East.
But why were the townspeople of Edo so particular about what they wore? The main reason, I believe, lies in the fires, which were known as the ‘flower of Edo’.
According to one study, every inhabitant of Edo experienced a fire once every 20 years. In those days, when life was said to last 50 years, people lost their homes to fire on average two and a half times before they died. In many cases, there would have been no time to remove household goods. What they would have relied on at such times would have been their hairpins and combs, as well as their inro, tobacco pouches and arrowheads. These items were always in demand and could be quickly converted into cash.
The natural environment unwittingly influences our view of what is good, and nurtures traditional culture. The frequent occurrence of disasters such as typhoons and earthquakes had a major impact on the Japanese way of looking at things, but it is fair to say that fire was one of the factors that fostered Edo chic.
カテゴリー: コラム/エッセイ