



成田山新勝寺の節分会 (写真/時事)


成田市観光協会によると、 節分会は立春前日に災厄を払い、一年の幸福を祈る伝統行事。「国土安穏(こくどあんのん)、万民豊楽(ばんみんぶらく)、五穀豊穣、転禍為福(てんかいふく)、疫病退散(えきびょうたいさん)」の祈りが込められている。成田山の節分会では、「鬼は外」とは言わずに「福は内。福は内」と唱える。これは不動明王の慈悲が大きく、邪悪な鬼も屈服し改心してしまうからだという。



▼時事ドットコムニュース トレンド動画 成田山新勝寺の節分会 より

Chants of ‘Good fortune is within’ in spite of the rain.

Setsubun party at Naritasan Shinshoji Temple (Photo/Jiji)

On 2 February, Setsubun day, the annual ‘Setsubun-e’ ceremony was held at Naritasan Shinsho-ji Temple (Narita City, Chiba Prefecture). Actors Ryusei Yokohama and Fuka Koshiba, who play Tsutaya Shigsaburo and Hana-no-I, respectively, in this year's NHK historical drama ‘Belabo’, Toyoshoryu, who was promoted to Yokozuna in January, and Kabuki actor Ichikawa Danjuro Shirasaru, among others, called out ‘Fuku wa uchi’ and wished for a good harvest and the reconstruction of areas hit by the Noto Peninsula earthquake, The beans were thrown from a special stage in front of the main hall.

According to the Narita Tourist Association, the Setsubun-kai is a traditional event held on the day before Risshun (the first day of spring) to ward off bad luck and pray for a happy new year. The event is a prayer for ‘peace and tranquillity in the land, prosperity for all people, a good harvest, good health, and the elimination of epidemics’. At the Setsubun Festival on Mount Narita, instead of saying ‘Oni wa soto’ (demons are outside), people chant ‘Fuku wa uchi, Fuku wa uchi. Fuku wa uchi’ is chanted. This is said to be because Fudo Myoo's compassion is so great that even evil ogres succumb and change their minds.

More than one tonne of soya beans and peanuts were used for the bean-throwing ceremony. Unfortunately, it was raining coldly, but when the sacks containing the soya beans and peanuts were vigorously sprinkled, the worshippers gathered at the shrine cheered and stretched their hands towards the sky in unison, hoping to grab the ‘good fortune’. A woman in her 60s who visited with her husband from Futtsu City, Chiba Prefecture, said: ‘It was a lot of fun because the cast of the historical drama and sumo wrestlers made an appearance. There are many things happening around the world (such as wars), but I prayed for peace to come as soon as possible’.

Setsubun is the day before Risshun, one of the 24 solar terms. However, 3 February is not a fixed date. According to the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, this year Risshun fell on 3 February due to the position of the sun and the earth, so it fell on 2 February for the first time in four years, since 2021.

▼ Jiji.com News Trending video from the Setsubun Festival at Naritasan Shinsho-ji Temple.

カテゴリー: 伝検ニュース