


「多様なるジャパン」 第4回 伝統建築〜瓦葺と檜皮葺


国宝にも指定されている、熊本県人吉市の青井阿蘇神社 (写真/時事)










唐破風(正面軒部分)はその名から中国由来だと思われがちだが日本特有の様式。わが国は先進的な文物を「唐物」と呼んで珍重したので、何か目新しいものに「カラ」と名付ける傾向がある。付け加えるなら神社仏閣などの英語表記に、唐破風の唐門を、”Chinese Gate”や、"Chinese-style Gate"と直訳したものを見かけるが、中国様式ではないのでお間違いなく。

【English version】

Diverse Japan Vol. 4 Traditional architecture - tiled roofs and cypress bark roofs

Shinya Shirasu = writer, vice-president of the Japan Traditional Culture Certification Association

Aoi Aso Shrine in Hitoyoshi, Kumamoto Prefecture, which is also designated a national treasure (Photo/Jiji).

In the previous issue, I mentioned that in the tea ceremony, Chinese Karamono and Korean Koryo tea bowls, which are different in nature, mix and coexist in the same place.

Looking at traditional architecture representing Japan, such as shrines and temples, people were amazed when Buddhism was introduced in the mid-6th century and a large temple with a tiled roof was built in Asuka. The Buddhist tradition had always believed that kami did not dwell in the land permanently, but descended from the tops of mountains and trees, waterfalls and huge stones as their deities during festivals and other occasions, but this was in direct contradiction to the Shinto concept of a five-storey pagoda or Buddha image.

Temples were eventually built as places for kami to reside, including those at Ise and Izumo, which were modelled on grain storehouses with roofs made of natural materials such as hiwadabuki and kokerabuki, which are unique to Japan and may date back to the Yayoi period, and which had the advantage of removing moisture and insect pests. The buildings were built on stilts.

In the Nara period (710-794), the Chinese-style status tile roofing was adopted for symbolic temples such as Heijo-kyo's government office (Taikyokuden), which was modelled on the Tang capital Chang-an, and Todai-ji, but the Seiryoden, the emperor's residence, was built using the traditional high-floor cypress bark roof, thus ensuring that the fashionable was not without its unfashionable.

The most important accession ceremony of the Emperor's reign, the ‘Daij?sai’, was held overnight in a J?mon-style building built of barked logs, thatched with thatch and with a dirt floor on which a straw mat was laid.

There is much to be said about the tea rooms and sukiya houses that have emerged since then, but if I had to describe ancient Japanese architecture in one word, I would say that it has a ‘beautiful roof’.

There are many different shapes, including irimoya, kiridzuma and yosemune, but I would like to focus on the special shirimukuri roof. The roof is more sloped to suit the rainy and humid climate of Japan, and the eaves are extended to protect the eaves and walls. Eventually, the original curved beauty of the kara-hafu was born, which was attached to the eaves of the front facades of shrines and temples.

Just as Shinto shrines and temples were built in the precincts of Shinto shrines and statues of deities were carved in the likeness of kami (gods), and kami and buddhas merged, so the strong ‘teri’ of a tiled roof and the soft ‘mururi’ of cypress bark, two dissimilar things, were combined and undulated like waves, a technique achieved by a flexible, unimpeded approach to the best parts of a building.

Karahafu (Chinese gables) were very popular in the Azuchi-Momoyama period (1568-1600), and the flamboyant and gorgeous forms of the Karamon Gate of Nishi Honganji and the Shiho Karamon Gate of Nikko Toshogu are products of the fashions of the time, but, I repeat, traditional architecture that is not biased to one side and runs parallel with the balanced and austere beauty that utilises natural materials at the Jingu Shrine and Katsura Rikyu is a characteristic of a nation with a curious mind. It is a characteristic of a curious people and their ingenuity.

Additional information: about the photograph of the Aoi-aso Shrine.
The karahafu (front eaves section) is a style unique to Japan, although its name tends to suggest that it originated in China. In Japan, advanced cultural relics were called ‘karamono’ and were highly prized, so there is a tendency to name something new ‘kara’. If I may add, in English descriptions of temples and shrines, you may see Karamon (Chinese gate) with a Chinese gable directly translated as ‘Chinese Gate’ or ‘Chinese-style Gate’, but make no mistake, it is not a Chinese style gate.

カテゴリー: コラム/エッセイ