伝検通信(メルマガ)週刊メールマガジン「伝検通信」 第48号
伝検公式教材・参考書・サイト https://denken-test.jp/
・ 宙ちゃんの「伝統文化一直線」 第17回 鍋こそ和食の華(上)
・ ひな人形に込められた願いと歴史
・ 「クイズで肩慣らし」第47回=「伝統色・文様」
・ 伝検協会だより
宙ちゃんの「伝統文化一直線」 第17回 鍋こそ和食の華(上)



問題:ヨーロッパの白磁に見られる「ブルーオニオン」という文様は、東洋から伝わった図案を参考にした際、そこに描かれていたある果物を、玉ネギと間違えたために生まれたといわれています。その果物とは何でしょうか。 (答えと解説は次号で)

【English version】
Weekly e-newsletter Denken Tsushin No. 48.
We are pleased to present the 48th issue of our weekly e-newsletter, Denken Tsushin.
This week's top two articles are from the well-known chu-chan column, featuring hot pot dishes in a series of articles up and down the page. In this edition of the top story, we introduce Japan's three most popular regional hot pots, chosen at our own discretion. The second top article is an introduction to the history of hina dolls, provided by the Association of Japanese Dolls.
In the‘Let's Practice with Quizzes’ section, you will find answers and explanations to the previous quiz, as well as questions in the field of traditional colours and patterns.
The second Denken will be held from 1 June. Registration opens on 1 May. Please use the official textbooks and online courses to prepare yourself.
・chu-chan's ‘Traditional Culture in a Straight Line’ Vol. 17 Nabe is the flower of Japanese cuisine (Part 1)
・The history and wishes behind hina dolls
・Quiz to familiarise yourself’ No. 47: Traditional colours and patterns
・From the Denken Kyokai
Chu-chan's ‘Traditional Culture in a Straight Line’ Vol. 17 Nabe is the flower of Japanese cuisine (top)
Kondo chuji = Director, Japan Traditional Culture Certification Association

Unique regional hot pots. Sansui ‘anglerfish hotpot’, Mito (pictured left); Komagata dozeu ‘dozeunabe’, Tokyo (pictured right).
Whether you say ‘traditional culture is old-fashioned nowadays’ or you live in a tower block with no Japanese-style rooms and say ‘that doesn't matter’, the two things you can never escape from traditional culture are language and food. As long as you speak Japanese and eat Japanese food, you cannot say ‘traditional culture is nothing’. Happily, Japanese food, which can be described as a mass of traditional culture, is gaining worldwide recognition, helped by its inclusion on UNESCO's cultural heritage list in 2013. In fact, according to the Japan Tourism Agency's 2023 Survey on Trends in Foreign Visitor Consumption in Japan, when asked what they expected before visiting Japan (multiple answers), a whopping 83.2% of respondents cited ‘eating Japanese food’.
I take the liberty of thinking that the dishes most typical of Japanese food, apart from the staple of rice, are nabe (hot pot), tsukudani (food boiled in soy sauce and sugar) and pickles. Nabe, in particular, is a staple dish, the centre of the dining table and a symbol of the uniquely Japanese custom of sharing a single nabe with everyone. What should be emphasised above all is the variety, or in other words, the existence of ‘national nabe’, which makes use of the specialities and traditions of each region.
I don't know of any other country in the world where such a wide variety of nabe dishes are available. Even if you don't have friends or acquaintances at the places you visit who will let you eat ‘regional nabe’ at home, one of the great things about Japan is that there are many restaurants that have refined local nabe dishes over a long history and sublimated them to the level of an art form.
Having said that, I would like to introduce three outstanding regional nabe dishes, as the Japanese are fond of the ‘three greats’. However, I am not a gourmand who can boast of having eaten all over the country, so this is really just a quick rundown. Let it be said at the outset that there are certainly much more delicious regional nabe dishes in Japan that are worth a trip for their own sake.
Let's start with the monkfish hotpot from the north. This is a well-known regional nabe in the Kanto region, but the one eaten along the Pacific coast from northern Ibaraki to southern Fukushima is dobu-jiru, a soup rich in anglerfish liver, also known as the foie gras of the sea, and served with great panache and delicacy at Sansui in Mito. The thick soup is made by mixing local miso (soybean paste) and raw anglerfish liver that has been dry-roasted. The tender flesh of the anglerfish, with its light yet mellow sweetness and umami, as well as the skin, stomach, liver, nuno (ovary), gills and fins, are all stewed in a pot that has no smell at all and is a superb dish that even surpasses the best chef's bisque de haut-mar (lobster potage).
It is a notable feature of Japanese nabe that it does not upset the stomach even on a full stomach, despite the fact that it is supposed to be a mass of protein and fat. Another attraction of dobu-jiru is that you get plenty of collagen, which is effective for beautiful skin, without even knowing it.
Next, a little further south, a taste of Edo. This is the Doze-nabe from Komagata Dozeu in Asakusa, Tokyo, which appears in the rakugo story ‘Izakaya’ by Sanyutei Kinma III. The visual impact of this dish is probably the most impressive of all the nabe dishes, with many plump, fatty whole loaches arranged in a narrow space. Contrary to expectations of an earthy smell, the loach has no odour and the bones do not bother you at all, so much so that the word ‘refreshing’ is more appropriate. The rich umami of the loach blends with the slightly sweet soy sauce broth in the mouth and fills you with a nostalgic feeling of ‘mouth-feel’.
For those who are not so keen on the sight of loach, we recommend the Yanagawa nabe with egg. And don't forget to try the ‘doze soup’. Like the nabe, it is a miso soup made from whole loach and Edo sweet miso, but it is far thicker than a potage. Despite this, it is a slightly enigmatic dish that is guaranteed to make you want to eat it again once it has been poured down your throat.
The last dish is Miso-nabe at Yasudaya, a long-established restaurant in Kasamatsu-cho, Mino Province, down the Nakasendo Highway to the south. Kasamatsu is known for the Kasamatsu Racecourse, where the famous horse of the Heisei era, Oguri Cap, and the jockey Katsumi Ando, known as ‘Ankatsu’, were born. In the Edo period (1603-1867), there was a camp of the Mino County Governor, one of the four counties under the direct control of the shogunate, and at one point during the Meiji period (1868-1912), the prefectural office of Gifu Prefecture was located there. Yasudaya stands right in front of the ruins of the Kasamatsu camp. The speciality miso nabe, served in a private room with a sense of history, is unique to the Tokai region, which is part of the Hatcho miso culture. The secret soup is a combination of Hatcho miso and possibly Saikyo miso, and boasts a density that surpasses that of sesame sauce.
Stewed in an earthenware pot are high-quality pork, oysters, scallops and wagyu beef hormones, depending on the season. The way the flavour seeps into the meat is nothing short of ‘wonderful’, but the power of the miso is that it doesn't erase the umami of the ingredients. Moreover, the thick miso has a mellow spiciness and a hint of sweetness, which has a magical power that compels you to eat it again and again, even as you squirm and say ‘thick, thick, too thick~’. To top it off, they drop an egg into the leftover broth and pour the half-boiled egg and broth over rice, and even though you should be full from the nabe alone, you're bound to forget about it and eat it all up. Once you've had it, you'll want to eat it again in less than a month.
Just to be clear, Yasudaya is originally a ryotei restaurant serving high-quality kaiseki cuisine, not a restaurant specialising in nabe. After enjoying the miso nabe, we hope that you will visit the restaurant to taste the kaiseki cuisine as well.
We have introduced the three major regional nabe restaurants, but there are also three other great nabe restaurants in Kyoto, the holy land of Japanese food, which we have skipped over this time. We hope you will join us again next time for more nabe stories.
Wishes and history of the dolls.
Association of Japanese Dolls

Photo courtesy of the Japanese Doll Association.
Hina dolls adorn the Girls' Festival on 3 March. Today, they are often enjoyed as beautiful ornaments, but their origins lie in tools used to drive away evil spirits from before the Heian period (794-1185). In Japan, there was a custom of entrusting sins and injuries to dolls, which were then floated down a river or placed under the pillow in the hope that they would drive away evil spirits, and this is thought to be the origin of later hina dolls.
During the Heian period (794-1185), aristocrats used dolls made from plants and straw, such as ‘amagatsu’ and ‘hoko’, to ward off misfortune.
In the Muromachi period (1336-1573), the custom of nademono, or stroking the dolls to transfer evil spirits, was added, and the custom of preparing new dolls every year and throwing them down by the water gradually changed to keeping them on hand. The custom of using dolls as gifts also arose during this period, and the role of dolls is thought to have expanded.
In the Edo period (1603-1868), the world became more stable and dolls became more glamorous. During this period, women's happiness came to be associated with good marriages, and feudal lords wished for their daughters to marry someone of higher status so that they could lead rich and happy lives. Hina doll costumes became more splendid and gorgeous, and many dolls were displayed on the doll stand. Meanwhile, Hinamatsuri also spread among the townspeople, and hina decorations became something to be enjoyed freely. The background to this festive atmosphere was the concept of ‘yoshuku’, which means to wish for future happiness and to celebrate in advance to attract happiness. Hina ornaments are said to be a kind of future forecast with such wishes.
Hina dolls began as a ritual to ward off bad luck and make wishes in adult society, and were established in their present form in the Edo period (1603-1868), when the children's festivals were born. We hope you will feel the history of this festival and display hina dolls on Hinamatsuri this year too.
‘Let's Practice with Quizzes’ the subject 47 = ‘Traditional colours and patterns’
~Questions will be asked in each area of the official DENKEN textbook (now on sale).

Plate with blue onion pattern.
Part 47.
QUESTION: The ‘blue onion’ pattern found on European white porcelain is said to have originated because a certain fruit depicted on it was mistaken for an onion when a pattern from the East was used as a reference. What is this fruit? (Answers and explanations in the next issue)

Shuri Castle main hall as of 2016 before it was burnt down (Photo/Jiji).
Previous Question, Answer and Explanation.
Question: Shuri Castle, built during the Second Sho dynasty of the Ryukyu Kingdom, was influenced by Chinese and Japanese castle-building techniques. How many storeys does its symbol, the main hall, have?
Answer: three storeys.
Explanation: The Shouden of Shuri Castle is characterised by its ‘two-layer, three-storey’ construction, which means that although it looks like a two-storey building from the outside, it is actually a three-storey building. To prevent the building from being damaged by the strong Okinawan sun, the walls were coated with paulownia oil and the red pigment bengara, giving the entire building its distinctive red colour. Shuri Castle was severely damaged by fire in 2019, but reconstruction is underway with various forms of assistance.
From Denken Association.
The Association for Japanese Dolls has contributed an article on the theme of hina dolls decorated for the Doll Festival. Although the Japanese doll itself is not part of DENKEN's field of study, it has a close relationship with DENKEN in terms of chronology, crafts and patterns. The association's aim is to promote and pass on the traditional Japanese doll culture, and we hope to continue to work together in the promotion of traditional culture and industry. The association's official website is here (Nipponjinkei Association - For the promotion and transmission of traditional Japanese doll culture).
The Hokkaido Tourism Master's Association, an organisation for those who have passed the Hokkaido Tourism Master Certificate conducted by the Hokkaido Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry and other organisations, introduced the information on the Denken in its e-newsletter. We would like to take this opportunity to thank them. For more information on the certification, click here (Hokkaido Tourism Master Certification Test).
Editorial Postscript.
We are pleased to present Denken Tsushin No. 48. I am producing this newsletter in Sapporo, where I am visiting on business. There is no snow in the city, but there is still some snow on the outskirts, and when a strong wind blows, the good quality powder snow hurts my face. The seasons in Japan vary. I reflect on myself for saying things like plum blossoms, cherry blossoms and spring .
カテゴリー: 伝検通信(メルマガ)
関連タグ: #北海道観光マスター検定 #どぜうなべ #あんこう鍋 #首里城 #ひな人形