伝検通信(メルマガ)週刊メールマガジン「伝検通信」 第49号
伝検公式教材・参考書・サイト https://denken-test.jp/official_text/
・ 産地復活願い郷里で再開=「大堀相馬焼」窯元の近藤さん―東日本大震災14年、福島・浪江町
・ 「クイズで肩慣らし」第48回=「茶道・和菓子・日本茶」
・ 伝検協会だより

(2025年3月3日 時事通信配信)


【English version】
Weekly e-newsletter Denken Tsushin No. 49.
We are pleased to present the 49th issue of our weekly e-newsletter, Denken Tsushin.
This year, ‘3.11’ has come around again. This week's top story is about the Ohori Soma Pottery, a traditional craft that reopened for business last year in Namie-cho, Fukushima Prefecture.
In the ‘Let's Practice with Quizzes’section, there are answers and explanations to the previous quiz, as well as questions on the tea ceremony, Japanese sweets and Japanese tea.
The second Denken will be held from 1 June. Registration starts on 1 May. Please use the official textbooks and online courses to prepare yourself.
Official Denken teaching materials, reference books and website https://denken-test.jp/official_text/
Table of Contents.
Mr Kondo, the potter of Ohori Soma Pottery, reopens in his hometown in the hope of reviving the production area - Namie-cho, Fukushima, 14 years after the Great East Japan Earthquake.
‘Let's Practice with Quizzes’ No. 48: “Tea ceremony, Japanese sweets and Japanese tea”.
Denken Association News
Kondo-san, the potter of ‘Ohori Soma Pottery’, reopens in his hometown in the hope of reviving the production area - 14 years after the Great East Japan Earthquake, Namie-cho, Fukushima.

Ohori Soma Ware, characterised by the painting of horses called ‘running horses’ and ‘blue cracks’, 16 November 2024, Namie Town, Fukushima Prefecture.
(Photo / Jiji Press)
One of the potteries of the traditional craft Ohori Soma-yaki reopened for business last year in Namie-cho, Fukushima Prefecture, where access was restricted for a long time after the accident at TEPCO's Fukushima No.1 nuclear power plant. The town has dreams and hopes for the future. Most of the surrounding area is still in the difficult-to-return zone, but Manabu Kondo, 71, the owner of Tokichiro Kiln, is burning with hope for the revival of the production area.
Ohori Soma-yaki is a general term for pottery that has been produced in the Ohori area of the town for more than 300 years since the Edo period, and is characterised by its paintings of horses known as ‘running horses’ and cracked patterns.
The town's residents say that it is impossible for them to return to the Ohori area in my generation. After the nuclear accident, Mr Kondo continued to operate from his temporary residence and workshop and waited for the evacuation order to be lifted, but once seven years had passed he gave up on the idea of returning. He set up a full-fledged workshop in Iwaki City in the same prefecture, equipped it with equipment and concentrated on making pottery, but the Ohori area never left his mind.
When the evacuation order was lifted in parts of the area in March 2023, Mr Kondo decided to return to the area and reopened his business in June last year. However, the area where the evacuation order was lifted was only a small area, and Mr Kondo was the only one to return to the district out of more than 20 kilns in the area before the nuclear accident.
However, it is difficult to move his living base, and Mr Kondo is forced to lead a double life, commuting from Iwaki City every day. He jokingly refers to the reopening of his business in the Ohori area as ‘reckless’, but stresses the need for public support to encourage people to return.
There are many challenges to the continuation of traditional crafts, such as the lack of bearers and the progress of digitalisation, but he looks forward to the future, saying, ‘There are more dreams and hopes here [in the Ohori area]. With the aim of reviving the production area, they are working on various projects to train potters and attract people to the area. Recently, the number of visitors from the Tokyo metropolitan area has been increasing. Mr Kondo says: ‘Some people think the area has already recovered, but there is still a long way to go. I want people to remember the Ohori area and Soma pottery’.
(Jiji Press, 3 Mar 2025)
What is Ohori Soma pottery?
Ohori Soma-yaki is the general name for pottery that has been produced in the Ohori area of Namie Town, Fukushima Prefecture, for more than 300 years since the Edo period. The pottery is characterised by its paintings of horses known as ‘running horses’ and a cracked pattern known as ‘blue cracks’, etc. It was designated as a traditional national craft in 1978, but the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake not only damaged the workshops and kilns, but also restricted access to the town itself for a long time due to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident. Restrictions were placed on access to the town itself.
‘Let's Practice with Quizzes’ the subject 48 = ‘Tea ceremony, Japanese confectionery and Japanese tea’
~Questions will be asked in each area of the official DENKEN textbook (now on sale).

Tearooms associated with Lord Fumai, one of Matsue City's most popular tourist attractions.
No. 48.
Question: What is the name of the tea house in the photograph, which was built by the feudal lord Matsudaira Harusato, who laid the foundations of ‘chanoyu culture’ in Matsue and was known as ‘Lord Fumai’, when he was 29 years old and whose tastes could be seen throughout the building, which was not bound by set rules? (Answers and explanations will appear in the next issue.)

Plate with blue onion pattern.
Previous question, answer and explanation.
Question: The ‘blue onion’ pattern found on European white porcelain is said to have been created because a certain fruit depicted on it was mistaken for an onion when a pattern from the East was used as a reference. What is this fruit?
Answer: pomegranate.
Explanation: Pomegranates, which have many seeds in their fruit, are often depicted on Oriental porcelain as a plant of good omen for prosperity of offspring, but in Europe they were not so well known in the past that they were mistaken for onions and called blue onions. Meissen in Germany is famous for this.
From Denken Association
On 10 March, we launched the second campaign to give away a copy of DENKEN's official textbook. The campaign is open to new subscribers to the DENKEN newsletter by 18 May, and 50 people will be selected in a drawing. Please encourage your acquaintances to register for the newsletter.
For more information, click here.
Textbook present campaign by registering for the e-mail magazine (DENKEN Tsushin)|Japanese Traditional Culture Examination
Editor's Postscript
We are pleased to present Denken Tsushin No. 49. Where were you and what were you doing on that day of the Great East Japan Earthquake? At this time of year, I talk about such things with many people. Fourteen years have passed since then, but I feel the need to read the records so that the memories do not fade. While supporting the recovery, it is also important to prepare for the next disaster.
カテゴリー: 伝検通信(メルマガ)