




伝検申込サイト https://denken-test.jp/examination/


・ 「多様なるジャパン」 第3回 唐物と高麗茶碗
・ 「クイズで肩慣らし」第41回=「陶磁器」
・ 伝検協会だより

「多様なるジャパン」 第3回 唐物と高麗茶碗


大阪市立東洋陶磁美術館(住友グループ寄贈/安宅コレクション) 写真:西川茂













解説:田楽は平安時代から主に農村地帯で発展した芸能で、五穀豊穣(ごこくほうじょう)を祈って演じる役者は田楽法師と称されました。かさをかぶったいでたちとその舞い姿に見立て、豆腐やこんにゃく、里芋を串に刺した焼き物も田楽と呼ばれるようになりました。その後に丁寧語の接頭辞「お」が付き、略して「おでん」になったといわれていますが、農林水産省によると、現在のような煮込み料理に進化したのは近代以降のことのようです。室町時代に能楽を大成した観阿弥、 世阿弥親子が田楽の影響を受けたとも伝えられています。







【English version】
Weekly e-newsletter Denken Tsushin, No. 42.

We are pleased to present the 42nd issue of our weekly e-newsletter, Denken Tsushin.

This week’s top article is the third in the series by Shinya Shirasu, ‘Diverse Japan’, on the topic of tea utensils, which eloquently illustrate the ‘beauty of tea’.

In the ‘Let’s Practice with Quizzes’ section, you’ll find answers and explanations to the previous quiz, as well as questions on ceramics. During the first examination period, which ends at the end of this month, we will be taking the subject out of the same examination and bringing you a variety of questions on traditional culture.

You can apply for the first Dengen examinations for Level 2 and Level 3, which are currently being conducted, at the website below. Please try it out. Official textbooks and online courses for Level 2 candidates are also available.

Denken application website: https://denken-test.jp/examination/

・Diverse Japan – Vol. 3 Karamono and Koryo Tea Bowls
・‘Let’s Practice with Quizzes’ No. 41: Ceramics
・From the Denken Kyokai

Diverse Japan – No. 3 Karamono and Korai Tea Bowls
Shinya Shirasu = writer, vice-president of the Japan Traditional Culture Testing Association

National Treasure, Oil Drop Tenmoku Tea Bowl.
The Museum of Oriental Ceramics, Osaka (Gift of Sumitomo Group / Ataka Collection) Photo: Shigeru Nishikawa.

Chanoyu is a pillar of traditional Japanese culture. The custom of tea drinking originated in China, and at the end of the 12th century, Eisai, together with Rinzai Zen, taught the merits of the tea ceremony, which became the beginning of later chanoyu. In the Muromachi period (1336-1573), with the spread of the powdered green tea method, the use of dai-tenmoku (a type of tea utensil) as an accompaniment to the appreciation of karamono in shoin-style buildings began, and at the end of the 15th century, Murata Shuko, who built the Ginkaku, a symbol of Higashiyama culture, advocated wabicha, or tea ceremony independent of the appreciation of specialities, and tea ceremony with tea as the main activity, was developed over a hundred years. The tea ceremony was developed by Sen no Rikyu, and in the 400 years since then, various aesthetics have been incorporated and refined in accordance with the trends of the times.

I am not qualified to talk about the tea ceremony, as I am not familiar with the tea ceremony itself, but I think that tea utensils speak eloquently of the beauty of tea. The beauty of black-glazed daily consumables such as tenmoku, tea caddies and tea pots imported in large quantities during the Kamakura period (1185-1333), which at first glance appear plain and unattractive, is selected and appreciated as Japanese beauty, such as the high regard given in China to the unattractive, patternless hutong (kodou). Among these, the Yohhen Temmoku tea bowl, which is a beautiful crystallisation of accidental black-glazed tea bowls, is one of only three in the world that has been imported to Japan and designated as a national treasure. In the same way, there is also a masterpiece that fell in love with an ordinary bowl from the Joseon period, represented by the well tea bowl, and became a masterpiece in Japan, also a national treasure. The Chinese tea bowls with a high degree of perfection and Koryo tea bowls with a different skin, as well as Japanese-made objects such as Raku tea bowls, all with completely different atmospheres, cohabitate with each other.

The aesthetic sense changed from perfection to imperfection, from Michinaga’s ‘My world and the moon’ to Shuko’s ‘I don’t want the moon to be between the clouds’, and from the original daizucha to the four-and-a-half tatami mats and the two tatami mats of the ‘taian’. (The luxurious and gorgeous Shoin of the Juraku-dai (聚楽第) and the alien, dimly lit, tiny space run side by side. The foundation of the work is based on the Zen values of Ikkyu and others who studied under Shuko’s master, and on Zeami’s ‘frozen Noh that comes out quietly and beautifully’ and the ‘creation of beauty’ of new aesthetic experiencers such as the renga master Shinkei, who lived in the same era. The tea ceremony was a time of ingenuity and ingenuity.

The importance placed on balance in the selection of utensils for the tea ceremony is somewhat similar to that of company management, which emphasises consensus rather than autocratic management, or to the personnel balance between the mainstream and anti-mainstream factions of a certain political party. A wide variety of ‘sight-seeing’ is possible, depending on the choice of equipment, but if you are not discerning, it can be a pointless waste of time. The tools of the past, which have survived the ‘borderland of the Japanese and Chinese’, tell us that ‘kiken’ not only applies to aesthetics in general, but also to the unlimited and varied freedom of life.

‘Let’s Practice with Quizzes’ No. 41 = ‘Ceramics’
~The quiz during the first examination period is excluded from the same examination. It will also cover subjects outside the field of the text -.

Mumon, the character of the site enhancement team (illustration).

Question: what is the name of the site where pottery, said to be among the oldest in the world, was excavated in Japan? (Answers and explanations will appear in the next issue.)

Delicious oden in cold weather

Previous Question & Answer/Explanation.
Question: It is the season for oden, a classic winter dish. What folk art is said to have been the origin of the word and to have influenced the origins of Noh theatre?

Answer: Dengaku.

Explanation: Dengaku is a performing art that developed mainly in rural areas from the Heian period (794-1185), and the actors who performed it to pray for a good harvest were called dengaku-houshi. Dengaku also came to be called grilled tofu, konnyaku and taro skewered to resemble the actors and their dancing figures, who wore umbrellas. Later, the polite prefix ‘o’ was added and it is said to have been abbreviated to ‘oden’, but according to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, it was only after the modern era that it evolved into the stewed dish it is today. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, it is said that Kan’ami and Zeami, who developed Noh theatre in the Muromachi period (1336-1573), were influenced by dengaku.

From the DENKEN Association

The deadline for applications for the 1st DENKEN (Levels 2 and 3) examinations currently being conducted is approaching on Tuesday 28 January. If you have not yet applied, please do so before the deadline. The examination period ends on Friday 31 January. Successful applicants for the first examination will receive a card-shaped certificate made of Japanese paper and a Kyoto-dyed certificate case. The case was produced with the cooperation of Hineno Katsujiro Shoten (https://www.katsujirou.com), a long-established company in the Kyoto-dyeing Sikkaichi business, and is a unique item that only those who have passed the exam can have, as the DENKEN logo is beautifully coloured by the craftsmen’s reliable skills. Click here to see how it was made.

The process of making the Kyozome Certificate Case, a present for those who have passed the DENKEN Certificate Examination.

The second test will be held from 1 June. Applications will be accepted from 1 May.

Editor’s Postscript
Denken News Letter No. 42 is now available. The DENKEN is a CBT (computer-based test), and you will know whether you have passed or failed on the spot. You are welcome to take the test at short notice. Please take this opportunity to take the test.