伝検公式教材・参考書・サイト https://denken-test.jp/
・ お城の「石垣」に秘められた技術
・ 「クイズで肩慣らし」第43回=「陶磁器・ガラス」
・ 伝検協会だより



申込期間: 2024年9月20日~2025年1月28日
受験期間: 2024年11月29日~2025年1月31日
申込者数: 496人(2級157人、3級339人)
受験者数: 440人(2級138人、3級302人)
合格者数: 134人(2級30人、3級104人)
合格率 : 2級21.7%、3級34.4%
【English version】
Weekly e-newsletter Denken Tsushin No. 44.
We are pleased to present the 44th issue of our weekly e-newsletter, Denken Tsushin.
This week’s top article is on the topic of stone walls of castles, one of Japan’s most popular traditional architectural features.
The ‘Let’s Practice with Quizzes’ section contains answers and explanations to the previous quiz, as well as questions in the fields of ceramics and glass.
The second Denken will be held from 1 June. Registration opens on 1 May. Please use the official textbooks and online courses to prepare yourself.
Official Denken teaching materials, reference books and website https://denken-test.jp/official_text/
Table of Contents.
The technology behind the ‘stone walls’ of castles
Let’s Practice with Quizzes’ No. 43: Ceramics and glass
From the Denken Kyokai
The technology behind the ‘stone walls’ of castles
Takashi Takebe = President, Jiji Press Brand Studio

The stonewalls of the lengthened horse runway of Nagoya Castle’s main citadel. The stonework is uniformly done by hammering, but the piles are fabricated on the left side and randomly piled on the right side.
Among traditional Japanese architectural structures, castles are very popular, and there are many fans who are “castle maniacs. The symbol of a castle is the soaring “castle keep,” but there are only 12 “real” castles built before the Edo period still standing in Japan. On the other hand, stonewalls, which are the foundation of castles, can be seen at ruins of castles where the buildings have been lost, as well as in the remains that remain in towns. In this issue, I would like to talk about stonewalls, which are surprisingly familiar among castle buildings.
Stone walls have existed since ancient times, piled with natural stones to keep the foundations of structures from collapsing and to provide a barrier against enemy invasion. Stone walls can be found in the remains of “ancient mountain castles,” which are said to have been built between the Asuka and Nara periods in preparation for invasions from the continent and the Korean Peninsula.
In the Sengoku Period, castles were built with stone walls around the perimeter of the castle. A representative example is Azuchi Castle, built by Oda Nobunaga in Omi (present-day Shiga Prefecture). Although the buildings were destroyed by fire, the solid stone walls still remain at the site of Azuchi Castle, which is designated as a special national historic site.
After Azuchi Castle, it became common for castles to use stone walls, and the technology related to how they were built and constructed has also advanced. The stone walls of existing castle historic sites and castle ruins scattered across the country can be classified into several categories according to the stone processing and stacking methods.
First, depending on the degree of processing of the stones used for stone walls, they can be divided into three types: “field masonry,” in which natural stones are piled as they are; “uchikomi-hagi,” in which corners are processed to reduce gaps between stones; and “kirikomi-hagi,” in which stones are formed into a certain shape to eliminate gaps.
Although field piling may seem like a simple method because the stones are not processed, it requires rather advanced techniques to pile stones of different shapes and sizes to ensure strength. Although the hammering method requires more time and effort to process the stones, it is possible to build a stone wall that is higher and rises at a steeper angle than field masonry. Although this method is beautiful to look at and strong, it was not cost-effective in the days when machines could not be used for processing and stacking. Except for Edo Castle, Osaka Castle, and other castles built by the shogunate during the Edo period to show its prestige, only a few castles in the early modern period use the Kirikomi-jo method.
Apart from the stone processing method, there are two main types of stone piling methods: “random piling” and “fabric piling. Random piling is a method of stacking irregularly sized stones in a puzzle-like manner to ensure strength. In the fabric masonry, the stones are stacked to a certain height, so that the joints between the stones appear as horizontal joints. Although the stones must be processed to be of the same height, the stacking technique does not need to be as advanced as field piling.
Although stone walls appear to have a wide variety of shapes, they can actually be divided into six types, which are a combination of three types of stone processing methods and two types of stacking methods. In addition to castle ruins preserved as historical sites, many parks and temples in the city are also made from castle ruins. If you find an old stone wall, it might be interesting to consider which of the six types the shape corresponds to.
Let’s Practice with Quizzes 43rd = “Ceramics and Glass
~Questions will be given for each field in the official textbook of DENKEN (now on sale).

Vessels that accentuate Japanese cuisine
The 43rd
Question: Who is the leading Japanese gastronome, ceramicist, artist, and writer who declared that “tableware is a culinary kimono” and produced 200,000 to 300,000 pieces of work during his lifetime? (Answers and explanations will appear in the next issue.)

Kondo Hall of Horyuji Temple, Ikaruga Town, Ikoma County, Nara Prefecture, Japan
Previous Question and Answer / Explanation
Question: Horyu-ji Temple, built by Prince Shotoku in 607, is famous as the oldest existing wooden building in the world. What is the type of wood mainly used?
Answer: Japanese cypress
Explanation: Horyu-ji Temple, built in 607, was destroyed by fire in 670 and is believed to have been rebuilt by the beginning of the Nara Period (early 8th century). The five-story pagoda, Kondo (main hall), Chumon (central gate), and corridor are the four oldest surviving wooden structures in the world, and have undergone four major repairs from the 13th century to the Showa period. In the Showa period (1926-1989), all the timbers were dismantled, replaced with damaged ones, and reassembled. In 1993, “Buddhist Monuments in the Horyu-ji Area” was registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
DENKEN Association News
The first DENKEN examination was held on January 31. 496 applicants took the examination during the two-month period. 440 people took the examination, 30 passed the Level 2 exam and 104 passed the Level 3 exam with flying colors. Those who passed the Level 3 exam are expected to try for the Level 2 exam next, and those who unfortunately fell one step short are expected to try again. Below is the preliminary data of the exam results. Details will be posted on the official website as they become available.
Application Period: September 20, 2024 – January 28, 2025
Examination period: November 29, 2024 – January 31, 2025
Number of applicants: 496 (157 for Level 2, 339 for Level 3)
Number of examinees: 440 (138 for Level 2, 302 for Level 3)
Number of successful applicants: 134 (30 for Level 2, 104 for Level 3)
Pass rate: 21.7% for Level 2, 34.4% for Level 3
Highest percentage of correct answers: 85% for Level 2, 90% for Level 3
Editor’s Postscript
DENKEN News Letter No. 44 is now available. In the “Quiz to familiarize yourself with the test” section, we are back to our normal mode and present you with questions from the areas of the DENKEN exam questions. The official textbooks are well known for being fun to read, as you can go through all the fields. Please pick up a copy if you see it in your neighborhood.