伝検申込サイト https://denken-test.jp/examination/
・ 「雪の殿様」が生んだ江戸の流行
・ 「クイズで肩慣らし」第36回=「温泉」
・ 伝検協会だより
武部 隆 時事通信ブランドスタジオ社長

雪華模様の着物が描かれた浮世絵「江戸の松名木尽 押上 妙見の松」


▼弊会の境克彦理事長が12月18日(水)、ラジオ日本(AM 1422kHz)の平日朝のニュースワイド番組「岩瀬惠子のスマートNEWS」(午前6時30分~同8時50分)に生出演します。境理事長の登場は午前8時15分から15分の予定。伝検について、パーソナリティーの岩瀬さんからインタビューを受けます。是非、ラジオまたはインターネットのradikoでお聞きください。
第1回伝検は、CBT(Computer Based Testing)と呼ばれるコンピューターを用いた方式で試験が行われるため、その場で結果が分かります。すでに合格者も出ているとのことです(すごいです!)。合格者の方々への特典もあります。ぜひ1月末までの試験中に奮ってトライしてみてください。
【English version】
Weekly e-mail magazine “DENKEN TSUSHIN” No. 37
We are pleased to present the 37th issue of our weekly e-newsletter “Denken Tsushin.
This week’s top article is about a snowflake found by a lord in the Edo period that influenced kimono patterns.
In the “Let’s Practice with Quizzes” section, you will find the answers and explanations to the previous quiz and a question about hot springs, which will be removed from the exam during the first examination period until the end of January.
The first DENKEN examinations for Level 2 and Level 3, which are currently being conducted, can be applied for at the following website. Official textbooks and online courses for Level 2 examinees are also available.
DENKEN application site: https://denken-test.jp/examination/
Table of Contents
・Edo’s fashion trend created by “Lord of Snow
・Let’s Practice with Quizzes with the history of the Edo period
Edo Fashion Trend Born of “Snow Lord
Takashi Takebe President, Jiji Press Brand Studio

Ukiyoe “Edo no Matsu Meiki Zetsu Oshiage Myoken no Matsu” (Pine trees and famous trees in Edo, Oshiage Myoken no Matsu) with a kimono with snowflake pattern.
(By Eisen Keisai, owned by the Furukawa Museum of History)
Have you ever heard of the snowflake pattern called “Sekka”? Its godfather was a lord named Toshitatsura Doi, who was related to the Tokugawa family. In 1822, Toshiki became the 11th head of the Doi family of the Furukawa domain, whose main domain was Furukawa in Shimousa Province (present-day Furukawa City, Ibaraki Prefecture). The Doi family was descended from Toshikatsu, a cousin of Tokugawa Ieyasu, and Toshiki held important positions in the shogunate, starting as a Kanadeban, then as a representative of Osaka Castle, and finally as a representative of Kyoto. In 1843, he replaced Tadakuni Mizuno, who had lost his post after the Tempo reforms stalled.
While Toshinori demonstrated his ability as a politician in charge of the shogunate, he also had an unusual aspect: he was a naturalist who explored the natural sciences. Using a microscope he acquired from the Netherlands, he observed snow crystals falling from the sky, and drew pictures of the various forms of crystals to record his findings. He then compiled the results of his research into a commentary entitled “Illustrated Description of Snow Crystals,” which was published in 1832. It was Ritsui, as a naturalist, who made the existence of snow crystals known to the world and named them “sekka” (snowflakes).
Seikka Zusetsu was printed in a small number as a private edition and was rarely circulated to the general public. However, five years later, the snow crystal illustrations from the Yukika Zusetsu were quoted in the best-selling natural history book “Hokuetsu Yukifu,” which attracted the attention of the Edo people.
In fact, the common people of Edo were more sensitive to fashion than today. From the mid-Edo period onward, urban townspeople gained economic power, and entertainment and events such as cherry blossom viewing and travel, which had previously been the privilege of the samurai, became popular among the common people. For entertainment and events, “outing” kimonos were necessary, and everyone wanted to show the “iki” (iki) of the Edo people.
Kimono patterns, or textile patterns as they are called today, reflect the sense of the wearer. The standard patterns of the time, such as striped patterns like Bo-jima and Sen-suji, plaid patterns like Benkei-goushi and Komochi-goushi, and komon patterns represented by Same-komon and Gyogi-komon, were arranged in a wide variety of ways, and the Edo The Edo children competed with each other in kimono patterns.
The Edo clothing industry, which was always in pursuit of novel patterns, jumped on the snowflakes depicted in the Yukika Zusetsu. In addition to the diversity of crystals, which are based on hexagons but are never identical, the transience of snow, which melts in an instant when picked up, must have struck a chord with Japanese people’s sense of beauty. The fact that textile designs using snowflakes as motifs, known as “Yukikamon,” swept through Edo during the Tempo period (1600-1868) is supported by the many depictions of people wearing Yukikamon kimonos in ukiyoe prints of the time.
The common people of Edo also did not forget to show their respect to Doi Toshinori, who introduced the snowflake design to the world. The name “Oimoyo,” also known as the snowflake pattern, derives from the fact that Toshikazu’s official name was “Oimokami,” which means “head of the Oimono” (the head of the Oimono family). In Koga City, Ibaraki Prefecture, where the Doi family once ruled, Toshinori was known as “Lord of Snow” by the citizens, and the Yukika pattern can still be seen here and there in the city.
Let’s Practice with Quizzes with the “Onsen” (Hot Springs)
~Quizzes taken during the 1st certification test will not be included in this test. Quizzes from other fields than those covered in the textbooks will also be included.

The 36th
Question: It is the cold season. Which hot spring resort has been visited by emperors and many aristocrats for healing since the Asuka Period and is mentioned in the Nihonshoki and Manyoshu? (Answers and explanations will appear in the next issue.)

A potter who invented unique patterns. Recognized as a Living National Treasure for his “Iroe Porcelain” (photo/Jiji)
Previous Question and Answer / Explanation
Question: Who was the potter active from the Meiji Era to the Showa Era who invented the unique pattern symbolized by the phrase “Never make a pattern out of a pattern” and became a Living National Treasure for his “Iroe porcelain”?
Answer: Kenkichi Tomimoto
Explanation: Influenced by the English designer William Morris, Tomimoto was also a friend of Bernard Leach, an English potter. He was one of the first to be designated a Living National Treasure in 1955.
▼Katsuhiko Sakai, President of DENKENKYOKAI, will appear live on Radio Japan’s (AM 1422 kHz) weekday morning news wide program “Keiko Iwase’s Smart NEWS” (6:30 am to 8:50 am) on Wednesday, December 18, 2012. President Sakai’s appearance is scheduled for 15 minutes starting at 8:15 am. She will be interviewed by Ms. Iwase, the personality on the program, about Denken. Please listen to the radio or internet radio station radiko.
▼ QuizKnock, a knowledge group consisting of graduates and current students of the University of Tokyo, has released a video challenging Denken. The title of the video is “Can the Quiz Kings Pass a ‘New Test’ on Their First Attempt? The title of the video is “Japanese Traditional Culture Test. Please take a look.
▼The first printing of the first edition of the official text of Denken has almost sold out. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who purchased a copy. We will be releasing the second printing on December 20, so please be patient. An e-book will also be available in early January.
Editor’s Postscript
The 1st DENKEN is administered by a computer-based method called CBT (Computer Based Testing), so the results are known on the spot. Some people have already passed the test (amazing!). ), and there are also special offers for those who have passed. There are also special offers for those who pass. Please get excited and try during the exam until the end of January.