Japanese Traditional Culture


Traditional Culture and Me

Traditional Culture and Me (Tadahiro Konoe)

I have recently been entrusted with the important role of chairperson of Japan Traditional Culture Testing Association.

In recent years, Japan has become one of the most popular tourist destinations, and Japanese content is loved all over the world. I think this recognition is due to the country's history and traditions, as well as its ability to create new things without being bound by them.

When I go outside of Japan, I meet many “Japan fans". And when I meet people who are well-educated, I am often ashamed of my own ignorance.

I was born during the period of rapid economic growth, grew up overseas, and worked as a creator, so I was pretty far removed from tradition. However, I was born into a family with deep ties to many shrines and temples, Entertainment, and crafts, so I have always felt the need to give back to my ancestors through my experiences in contact with nature and tradition. As a Japanese person who has spent a long time abroad, I would like to be able to properly understand the traditions we should be proud of and help as many Japanese people as possible to convey them, regardless of language.

The study of traditional culture is often difficult and takes a long time. However, if you are exposed to its splendor and have an opportunity to become interested, you may be able to learn while having fun. Through Traditional Japanese Culture Test, we hope to create an opportunity to study together with you. Thank you for your cooperation.

Tadahiro Konoe, Chairman of Japan Traditional Culture Testing Association

CEO/Creative Director, curioswitch Inc.
Lecurer of Imperial Poetry Contest at Board of the Ceremonies of Imperial Household Agency

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