Q1 What kind of exam is the “Traditional Japanese Culture Test (DENKEN-TEST)"?

DENKEN-TEST is a new test aimed at understanding, supporting, and developing Japan's traditional culture and traditional industries through independent learning. Japan Traditional Culture Testing Association believes that in order to protect Japanese traditions and pass them on to the future, it is important above all else to make many people aware of their value. In DENKEN-TEST, students learn about Japanese traditional culture in eight different fields. There are three levels of test: 3rd, 2nd, and 1st grade. Those who pass the test will be awarded the titles of “Supporter", “Master", and “Ambassador". For more information, please see “What is DENKEN-TEST".

Q2 What kind of people take this certification exam?

This is a test that can be taken by a wide range of people, including beginners who have just started to become interested in Japanese traditional culture and want to learn more about it, people who have already been exposed to traditional culture and want to learn about new genres of culture, people who want to provide a higher level of guidance for people in the tourism industry, such as travel and accommodation, etc. Please check “Scenes in where DENKEN-TEST is used".

Q3 Any eligibility requirements?


Q4 What is the difference between Level 3, Level 2, and Level 1?

Please see “What is DENKEN-TEST".

Q5 What level should I take first?

For those who have been interested in or involved in Japanese traditional culture, we recommend taking the standard level, “Level 2". For beginners with no prior knowledge of traditional culture, we recommend taking the “Level 3" exam to solidify your foundation.

Q6 How to study for DENKEN-TEST exam?

The official textbook for DENKEN-TEST will be released in advance from September 20, 2024. The fastest way to pass the exam is to study the official textbook on your own, but for those who cannot wait for the publication, DENKEN-TEST Association also provides reference books (webpage). For more information, please see "Official Materials and Reference Books."

Q7 What is the “CBT Method”?

It is an abbreviation for "Computer Based Testing," and refers to a testing system in which everything from application to taking the test is done on a smartphone or computer (when taking the exam the examinee will come to a venue designated in advance and take the test on a computer provided at the venue). For more information, please see “What is CBT?".

Q8 Computer skill required to take the CBT exam?

As long as you can type simple characters and use a mouse, you'll be fine.

Q9 What kind of benefits will I get if I pass the exam?

Those who pass the exam will be presented with a certificate. We are also preparing to sell merchandise commemorating passing the exam (for a fee). In addition, we are offering special services at DENKEN-TEST facilities.

Q10 When do the Certification Exams and Preparation Courses start?

Applications for the first DENKEN-TEST (Level 2 and 3 Certification Exam) will begin on Friday, September 20, 2024.

The examination period is from Friday, November 29, 2024 to Friday, January 31, 2025.

We will also be holding online courses in preparation for the Level 2 certification exam (details will be announced on this website once they have been decided).

*There will be no online courses offered for the Level 3 certification exam.

*The Level 1 certification exam is scheduled to be held in fiscal year 2025.




