

We are currently running a promotion to receive a free textbook when you register for our email newsletter (DENKEN-TEST PRESS)

We are currently running promotion where 100 people who sign up for our newsletter by the end of August will be chosen by lottery to receive the "DENKEN-TEST Official textbook" (scheduled to be published on September 20th). Please encourage your friends and acquaintances to sign up for our newsletter.

Promotion Period
From March 28, 2024 to August 31, 2024

How to Apply
During this period, 100 people will be randomly selected from among those who have completed registration on this site's “Email newsletter registration" to receive the “DENKEN-TEST Official Text".   
*This offer is valid for those who are able to receive e-mail newsletters at the time of the promotion deadline.
(Please note that if you have stopped receiving emails after registering, your registration will be invalid.)
*If one person registers multiple email addresses for our email newsletter, in principle, that person can only apply for one entry into this promotion.

Click here to register for the email newsletter

Winner Announcement
After the publication of the “DENKEN-TEST Official Textbook" (scheduled for this summer), we will hold a strict lottery to determine the winners. Winners will be notified of their win by email and will be asked to confirm the shipping address for the textbook to their registered email address. Prizes will be shipped in the order in which the shipping address for the textbook is confirmed.
*Please note that if you do not respond with the delivery address for the text message within the specified period despite being notified of your win, you will be treated as having lost the lottery.

Handling of Personal Information
All personal information related to the application for this promotion will be managed by Japan Traditional Culture Testing Association, and will be used for the selection and delivery of prizes, contact after winning, etc., as well as for the collection and analysis of non-personally identifiable marketing data, and will not be used for any other purposes. In addition, personal information will not be provided to third parties without the person's consent, except when provided to contractors to the extent necessary for the commissioning of the relevant business. For more information, please read our association's Personal Information Protection Policy.

Please note that the content of this promotion may be changed, canceled, or extended without prior notice.