Press Release


Traditional Japanese Culture Test (DENKEN-TEST) to start this fall

— Association established by Jiji Press, The Japan Times and others —

Japan Traditional Culture Testing Association, established by Jiji Press,Ltd.(Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director and President: Katsuhiko Sakai) together with three companies including The Japan Times, Ltd. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director, Chairman and President, Minako Suematsu) on December 27th last year, will start  “Traditional Japanese Culture Test (Denken-TEST)" in fall of 2024.

Traditional culture and traditional industries, such as crafts, which have been cultivated in Japan since ancient times, are now in a critical situation where their very survival is in doubt due to a decline in demand caused by changes in lifestyle and a lack of successors. For many years, the national and local governments have been working to promote production areas and secure human resources through subsidies, but it must be said that it is difficult to overcome the current difficult situation by supporting the makers and bearers alone. The biggest problem is that the appeal and value of traditional culture and traditional industries are not well known.

“DENKEN-TEST" aims to provide consumers both in Japan and overseas with an opportunity to learn independently through the exam, and to increase the number of successful test-takers who will become supporters and educators, thereby promoting the inheritance and development of traditional culture and traditional industries, and revitalizing local communities. We will also focus on promoting our work overseas, attracting foreign test-takers, and contributing to the promotion of understanding of Japan.

There are three planned levels for the exam: Level 3 (Supporter), Level 2 (Master), and Level 1 (Ambassador). We are currently preparing to publish official textbook and open courses.

The Association has established the positions of chairperson and vice chairperson to preside and supervise DENKEN-TEST, separate from the Board of Directors that manages the organization. At the Board of Directors meeting held on January 22, 2012, Konoe Tadahiro, a lecturer at the Imperial Court Poetry Contest, was elected as chairperson, and Todate Kazuko, a professor at Tama Art University and craft critic and craft historian, and Shirasu Shinya, a writer and art producer, were elected as vice chairperson Presidents, and they took office on the same day.

Comment from chairperson Tadahiro Konoe: “In order to protect Japan's traditional culture, which is attracting attention from around the world, and pass it on to the future, it is important above all to make many people aware of its value.
Details of DENKEN-TEST will be gradually introduced on our website ( in the future.

<Outline of "DENKEN-TEST ">

People who are recommended to take the exam:
▼People who work in jobs that involve contact with foreigners, or who are working or studying abroad and want to convey Japanese culture to foreigners in their own words
▼People who want to advance their careers by learning about the value of traditional Japanese culture, creating new business opportunities, using their knowledge in customer service, or applying it to their own company's manufacturing.
▼People who want to broaden their hobbies and interactions with people by learning about the wonderfulness of Japan from various angles, and who want to enrich and enjoy their daily lives by incorporating it into their daily lives

[Study/Examination Areas]
A total of eight genres including “Crafts" and “Culture"
▼Traditional Crafts = Ceramics and Glass / Japanese Paper and Dyeing and Weaving / Metalwork and Wood Lacquer Work / Traditional Colors and Patterns / Gardens, Architecture and Art
▼Traditional Culture = Tea Ceremony, Japanese Sweets, Japanese Tea / Food Culture, Seasonal Calendar / Performing Arts (Kabuki)

[Examination Category, Examination Fee, Examination Location]
▼Level 3 (Traditional Culture Supporter) = Beginner level for acquiring basic knowledge.
More than 90% of the questions are taken from the official textbook. 100 multiple choice questions in 90 minutes. Pass if you answer more than 70 questions correctly. Exam fee is 7,480 yen (tax included).
▼Level 2 (Master of Traditional Culture) = Intermediate level to acquire knowledge that can be applied to work.
More than 70% of the questions are taken from the official textbook. 100 multiple choice questions in 90 minutes. Pass if you answer more than 70 questions correctly. Exam fee is 9,900 yen (tax included).
*The Level 3 and Level 2 tests are taken on computers at test centers operated by CBT Solutions Co., Ltd. in over 300 locations nationwide.
▼Level 1 (Traditional Culture Ambassador) = Advanced level that provides in-depth knowledge of each genre.
Only those who have passed Level 2 can take this exam. Details are yet to be determined.
*In addition to presenting a "Certificate of Pass" to those who pass each level, we are considering offering various other benefits.

[Implementing Body]
▼Name = Japan Traditional Culture Testing Association 
▼Founders: Jiji Press, Ltd. / Jiji Press Business Support Co., Ltd. / The Japan Times, Ltd. / MADE IN JAPN PROJECT INC. (in alphabetical order)
▼Representative Director: Katsuhiko Sakai (President of Jiji Press)

[Contact Information]
▼ Japan Traditional Culture Testing Association
Address: Jiji Press Building, 5-15-8 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Phone: 03-3524-6550 (Secretariat)